Deep Thoughts, by Lyle

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I am working on a new invention.  Here's the thing.  I have found these wonderfully warm bright squares on the floor in the mornings.  They are perfect for napping.  The bad part is they tend to move around.  I wake up from a wonderfully warm nap to find myself cool and in the shade with a wonderfully warm bright square positioned somewhere else.all of us would buy one

And, lo, the idea for the Sun Spotter is born.  I have a low-tech version of it now.  The boss ma'am puts my nappin' sack in the sunspot.  About 20 minutes later she comes back and checks to make sure I am still properly positioned, and if I'm not, she scoots my nappin' sack and me into the sun again.  It is crude but effective.  Sometimes, of course, she forgets about me and I find myself in a cool spot for minutes at a time.  Which is why I need a motorized version.  Something soft and lovely to nap on that automatically moves with the sun squares.  It is still in development but I know it is going to be a huge hit.

proper positioning is key




hello!  Boss ma'am!  You're late!

From this:








perfectly sun spotted!

To this!