Mythbusters: Blanket Sharks
Turns out that the
lumps under the blanket are not Blanket Sharks after all. You would have thought
that a shark expert like me would have known this, but no. My good friend
Star has educated me,
Here is what happens. The grrrls get into bed. Then the boss ma'am gets into
bed. She lifts what Star says is the Automatic Arm which raises the covers and
the grrrls scoot underneath. The solid growly lump is actually Spring. The other
lump is Maebe. Who knew?
Blanket Sharks: This myth is Busted!
Next, let's take a look at the Space Eater. The bosses got one of these for the
office, where we all hang out unless there is stuff for me to bark at. Then I go
to my Room of Requirement, the front foyer, or wrestle with Jefferson the plant
to see out the windows of the piano room.
AnyLoo, the office is cold. That's why they got the Space Eater. It is some sort
of evil, angry hissing animal with hot breath. It breathes its hot breath in the
room so the bosses stay warm. Clearly they do not see the danger. But I do. The
Space Eater is not to be trusted. That's why I keep my distance at all times. I
give it the Hairy Eyeball, just to be sure.
So unless someone tells me otherwise, this myth is Confirmed: Space
Eater=Dangerous Urban Monster.