I got my new Doggles in the mail this week.
I think I look pretty smart. And speedy. I ordered the kind with the X-ray
vision, but I can't figure out how to turn that feature on yet.
In the meantime I figure I've at least earned a spot as Co-Pilot. Not as cool a
Co-Pilot position as
Dexter's, but it will have to do.
I think these would look pretty good with a cape. Now that I think about it, I
probably should have ordered the ones with the magical flying powers instead of
the X-ray vision. Rats. Well, if you come by and I'm wearing my Doggles, at
least I can let you know if you have pneumonia.
And now it's game time on LyleTV!
Sunday is Game Day here on LyleTV.
Maybe you like football, baseball, or cribbage. Here on LyleTV, we play
Pop Toes. It's fun! It's easy! Anyone can play.
All you need is (1) a Spring. If you don't have one, I'll be more than happy to
send you mine.
And (2) something to poke her with.
Here's how it works. You score points by the number of pops and the height of
the pops. If there is a tie, the winner is decided by whoever gets the dirtiest
look from the Spring.
Here is our
current Pop Toes leader.
Ready, set, play!
And finally, this just in from LyleNews! My world has gone crazy. Or at least my bosses have. There is another dog in the house. Her name is Rasha. The bosses say, "Don't worry, Lyle, she's just a foster dog." I say, "Foster my furry...Spring was a foster too and look what happened." They say, "No, Lyle, the shelter really is over full and it's too hot for the dogs to be outside. We're just helping out." Then I hear them coo over her, oh, she's so cute....blahblahblah. I can see what's happening here. And I don't like it one bit. For once Spring and I agree on something. The foster dog has got to go.