Deep Thoughts, by Lyle

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That's right, you're not a Whigle

That's right, you're not a Whigle

But Whigles love you anyway!

The dogs are barking, and I'm listening!

You want chicken (not to be confused with CHICKEN) in every bowl.  I say, "YES!  We should have chicken!"  Mmmm....chicken.   Not just scraps, now.  Real meat!  Drumsticks!  Say it with me, dogs:  "Lyle stands for chicken!" 

But that's not all.  I want to take it up another notch and have RAWHIDE on demand.  I think the time is right for all dogs to stand up and BARK for what we deserve.  And I will stand in front of everyone in Congress and BARK for you.

Little Bit says, "You might be too ambitious."  I say, "I'm no frog!!!"  The eyes, they roll.  But I'm not a frog!!they roll, trust me.

She also says I might have trouble with the whole voting thing since most of my supporters are not from Kentucky.  I say, "Small potatoes, Little Bit!"  I know I'll be elected.  I will make life better for me!  Oh, and dogs everywhere.  Yes, dogs everywhere.  Mmmm...potatoes.

I'm not really a frog, am I? the voices in my head!!  ha!ha!  Just kidding...

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