Deep Thoughts, by Lyle

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I like Christmas.  I really do.  My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, though.  I mean, how can you not like a holiday that is all about the food?  Oh, sure, there is usually plenty of food at Christmas time, too.  And presents.  But Maebe steals all the presents so we might as well just focus on the food.

And then there are the Christmas cards.  See, since the boss man has become an official photo guy he and the ma'am figure that they should make their own Christmas cards instead of buying them from the store.  And then they think about what to take pictures of to put on the cards.  They want the cards to be as beautiful as possible.  So naturally they take pictures of me.  A Whigle is just right for any occasion.  And since we Whigles are superhandsome all the boss man would have to do is just take a picture of me and wah-lah! Perfect cards.

But no.

They have to be Creative, they say.  Festive, they say.  Holiday-themed, they say.

So the humiliation begins.

there is not enough chicken in the world to make this worth my while












And keeps on coming.

I will NOT smile for you, no way.


















So they finally gave up on the lights.  Well, not completely.  Spring is on a card with lights.  She's such a sucker.  Speaking of suckers, can you guess what they did to me next?  No, really.  Guess.  I'll give you a hint...I am minty fresh!