Life here is almost too good to be true. Pinch me! Wait, no, don't pinch. You can scratch my knees, though. That's good stuff.
What I love about Washington:
1. Trails! Paths! We can go anywhere.
2. Super Saturdays.
Last weekend (it was Sunday, but who cares about those details) we went to Badger Mountain. I met my Sherpas at base camp at dawn. We bundled our supplies and began the trek to the summit.
I wasn't sure we would make it. My Sherpas forgot to pack snacks.
Luckily we survived to the summit.
Lyle went over the mountain
Lyle went over the mountain
Lyle went over the mountain
To see what he could see.
Guess what I saw??
The other side of the
The other side of the mountain
The other side of the mountain
Was all that I could see.
Yesterday we explored the Columbia River. Seagulls! Squirrels! Jetskis! WhooLoo!
And as if that wasn't good enough, we finally got to stop at our local DQ.
Today is another Super Saturday. (Sunday, Saturday, potay-to, potah-to)
We are going to the Chamna Natural Preserve. What am I waiting for??
Smell ya later!