Deep Thoughts, by Lyle

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Everything is a-ok in my world.  My EPS-ey-sense has not been tingling lately.  Turns out what set it off last time was the installation of a new protective shield on the top of our house.  I had no idea that we had such a bad alien problem around here but I feel much safer knowing that it is there.  I shudder to think what would happen if aliens abducted me.  I do not do well with probing.

AnyLoo, I was shocked to find out that some of my friends have not been able to find someone to install an alien-protective shield on their houses.  I worry about them.  So I have developed a Hi Lyle! personal protective shield.

I think I can still hear them

It has the snappy little Hi Lyle! logo and everything.  Order yours today!

I can still see them!